Membership Agreement


In January of 2017, Designed for Thriving evolved into a new legal entity called a Private Membership Association (PMA) for the purposes of protecting its members’ 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment rights to privacy, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, and freedom of speech as it relates to their healthcare choices, natural products, and services. A big reason for this transition is that recently and over the past 30 years, some state’s medical licensing boards, or other parties, have tried to stop the public from receiving natural, common sense, health care. As a private association, we no longer function in the public domain (as an LLC), yet continue to operate in good legal standing as a private entity with the benefit of fewer restrictions.

What a breath of fresh air! Can you feel it?

You might be saying to yourself: “You can do that?” “That’s a thing?”. Yes it is! We’ve always been pioneering and adventurous when something makes practical sense while aligning with spiritual integrity and health, and in the current medical & legislative landscape, this model is revolutionizing what progressive practitioners, like us, as well as medical doctors and manufacturers can achieve.

We established this PMA out of reverence for your innate intelligence and design for thriving, recognizing there is a time and a place for ALL methods of medicine and operating exclusively within our scope of practice. As a PMA, we will continue to serve you in all the same capacities we always have, yet in a radically fresh way: providing a safe space to receive effective care and evaluate personal healthcare choices without fear of unreasonable consequence.

It is with joy and enthusiasm that we can offer you this rare opportunity. All participants who receive services, advice, and/or products from Designed for Thriving PMA, simply need to register as members. It’s that easy!



Gaia Private Club, PMA is a private membership association, where members enter into a private agreement as natural man and woman. Members join in their Propria Persona, Sui Juris, In Proprio Solo, In Proprio Heredes (Own Person, Own Rights, Own Land, Own Heir) in their highest character, with capacity and standing, fully equal to all other natural men or women members.

Gaia Private Club, PMA es una asociación de membresía privada, donde los miembros entran en un acuerdo privado como hombres y mujeres naturales. Los miembros se unen en su Propria Persona, Sui Juris, In Proprio Solo, In Proprio Heredes (Su propia persona, sus propios derechos, su propia tierra, como su propio heredero) en altísimo carácter, con capacidad y prestigio, en plena igualdad con todos los demás hombres y mujeres naturales



I understand that the Gaia Private Club, PMA reserves all of the rights. Omnia Jura Reservantis – all rights and liberties reserved and retained without prejudice. Any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and/or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights pursuant to the constitution for the united states of america 1789/1791 and the united states codes, title 18, part I, chapter 13, section 241 and 242.

Entiendo que Gaia Private Club, PMA se reserva todos sus derechos Omnia Jura Reservantis – todos los derechos y libertades reservados y retenidos sin perjuicio. Cualquier omisión no constituye una renuncia a cualquiera y/o todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual o derechos reservados de conformidad con la constitución de los estados unidos de américa 1789/1791 y los códigos de los estados unidos, título 18, parte I, capítulo 13, sección 241 y 242.

I understand that the Gaia Private Club, PMA reserves all of the rights. Omnia Jura Reservantis – all rights and liberties reserved and retained without prejudice. Any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and/or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights pursuant to the constitution for the united states of america 1789/1791 and the united states codes, title 18, part I, chapter 13, section 241 and 242.

Entiendo que Gaia Private Club, PMA se reserva todos sus derechos Omnia Jura Reservantis – todos los derechos y libertades reservados y retenidos sin perjuicio. Cualquier omisión no constituye una renuncia a cualquiera y/o todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual o derechos reservados de conformidad con la constitución de los estados unidos de américa 1789/1791 y los códigos de los estados unidos, título 18, parte I, capítulo 13, sección 241 y 242.



Gaia Private Club, PMA strives for greater availability of local cruelty free products, sustainable agriculture and exchange of labor by providing education to its members. Our association understands that health and wellness has many dimensions and strives everyday to provide quality food products, complementary and alternative solutions including the rights of spiritual beliefs, not indoctrinated religious ones. A symbiotic relationship exists between the holistic trinity (mind, body, spirit) wellness, the labor, the offerings and accommodations that are offered by the Private Membership Association.  

Gaia Private Club, PMA se esfuerza por lograr una mayor disponibilidad de productos locales libres de crueldad animal y agricultura sustentable e intercamobios de labor, brindando educación a sus miembros. Nuestra asociación entiende que la salud y el bienestar tienen muchas dimensiones y se esfuerza cada día por ofrecer productos alimenticios de calidad, soluciones complementarias y alternativas que incluyan los derechos de las creencias espirituales, no religiosas adoctrinadas. Existe una relación simbiótica entre la trinidad holística (mente, cuerpo, espíritu), el bienestar, el trabajo, las ofertas y el alojamiento que ofrece la Asociación de Membresía Privada.



Gaia Private Club is a PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP ASSOCIATION under private domain non statutory, protected by the 1st, 5th and 9th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Members join with the purpose of obtaining access to a community that offers exchange of labor. Under the 1st Amendment of the United States of America Constitution and equivalent provisions of the State/Territory Constitution, you have the right to associate with fellow members and offer benefits and labor that are outside of the jurisdiction, venue and authority of Local, State and/or Federal agencies. Members take upon themselves the responsibility to choose the type exchange of labor. Members of Gaia Private Club, PMA choose to be under private domain and do not exercise in the jurisdiction of local, state, and federal governments and corresponding laws and regulations.

Gaia Private Club es una ASOCIACIÓN MEMBRESÍA PRIVADA bajo dominio privado, no estatutario, protegida por la 1 rª, 5 tª y 9 nª Enmienda de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos. Los miembros e unen con el propósito de obtener acceso a una comunidad que ofrece intercambio de labores. Las enmiendas de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos de América y las disposiciones equivalentes de la Constitución Local, del Estado/Territorio, los miembros tienen derecho a asociarse con otros miembros y ofrecer beneficios y servicios que están fuera de la jurisdicción, el lugar y la autoridad del Estado y/o agencias federales. Los Miembros toman la responsabilidad de escoger el tipo de intercambio de trabajo. Los miembros de Gaia Private Club, PMA escogen estar bajo dominio privado y no ejecutar bajo la jurisdicción de los gobiernos locales, estatales y federales y las leyes y reglamentos correspondientes.



In consideration of all labor exchange, I hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE Gaia Private Club Founder,  rustees, Members, Partners, Collaborators (hereinafter referred to as “RELEASES”) from any and all liability, claim, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASES, or otherwise, while participating in such activities or service, or while in, on or upon the premises where the activity or service is being conducted. To the best of knowledge, I am in good physical condition and am not aware of any physical infirmity which would place me at risk in using such equipment. I VOLUNTARILY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY RISK OF LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, that may be sustained by me, or any loss or damage to property owned by me, as a result of being engaged in such activity, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF RELEASEES or otherwise. I acknowledge and represent that I have read and understood it and signed it voluntarily; I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and fully competent; and I execute this Release for full, adequate and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by same. I HAVE READ THIS WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT.

En consideración a todo intercambio laboral, por la presente LIBERO, RENUNCIÓ, DESCARGO Y CONVIERTO EN NO DEMANDAR AL Fundador, Fideicomisarios, Miembros, Socios y Colaboradores de Gaia Private Club (en lo sucesivo, “LIBERACIONES”) de toda responsabilidad, reclamación, demanda, acciones y causas de
acción que surjan de o estén relacionadas con cualquier pérdida, daño o lesión, incluida la muerte, que pueda sufrir yo o cualquier propiedad que me pertenezca, YA SEA CAUSADA POR LA NEGLIGENCIA DE LAS LIBERACIONES o de otro modo, mientras participa en dichas actividades o servicios, o mientras se encuentre en, sobre o sobre las instalaciones donde se lleva a cabo la actividad o servicio. Hasta donde sé, estoy en buena condición física y no tengo conocimiento de ninguna enfermedad física que me ponga en riesgo al usar dicho equipo. ASUMO VOLUNTARIAMENTE LA RESPONSABILIDAD TOTAL POR CUALQUIER RIESGO DE PÉRDIDA, DAÑO A LA PROPIEDAD O LESIÓN PERSONAL, INCLUIDA LA MUERTE, que pueda sufrir, o cualquier pérdida o daño a mi propiedad, como resultado de participar en dicha actividad, YA SEA CAUSADA POR NEGLIGENCIA DE LOS LIBERADOS o de otra manera. Reconozco y declaro que lo he leído, comprendido y firmado voluntariamente; Tengo al menos dieciocho (18) años de edad y soy plenamente competente; y ejecutó este Descargo para una consideración total, adecuada y completa con la intención total de estar obligado por el mismo. HE LEÍDO ESTA RENUNCIA DE RESPONSABILIDAD Y ENTIENDO COMPLETAMENTE SUS TÉRMINOS, ENTIENDO QUE HE RENUNCIADO A DERECHOS SUSTANCIALES AL FIRMAR, Y FIRMO LIBRE Y VOLUNTARIAMENTE SIN NINGÚN INDUCCIÓN.



I understand that members of the Association that of exchange of labor or advice do so in the capacity of collaborators in a private manner and not in the capacity as public healthcare facilitators. I agree that the actions I take, in this regard, are my own free will decisions. As a member I will exercise my rights for my own benefit and agree to hold harmless to the Association and members from any unintentional liability that might result from the advice or exchange of labor. I understand and accept
that all complaints or grievances will be settled by non judicial mediation, within the Association.As a member I understand the Private Membership Association is protected by the First, Fifth and Ninth Amendments to the United States Constitution, it is exempt from any action of Federal, State and local agencies entrusted to “protect the public” as it relates to any complaints or grievances against the Association, its physical premises or equipment its Trustees, member facilitators or other associated staff or consultants.

Entiendo que los miembros de la Asociación que de intercambio de trabajo o asesoramiento lo hacen en calidad de colaboradores de manera privada y no en calidad de facilitadores de salud pública. Acepto que las acciones que tomo, en este sentido, son decisiones de mi propia voluntad. Como miembro ejerceré mis derechos para mi propio beneficio y acepto eximir de responsabilidad a la Asociación y a los miembros de cualquier responsabilidad involuntaria que pueda resultar del asesoramiento o intercambio de trabajo. Entiendo y acepto que todas las quejas o quejas se resolverán mediante mediación no judicial, dentro de la Asociación. Como miembro, entiendo que la Asociación de Membresía Privada está protegida por la Primera, Quinta y Novena Enmiendas a la Constitución de los Estados Unidos, está exenta de cualquier acción de agencias federales, estatales y locales encargadas de "proteger al público" en lo que se refiere a cualquier queja o queja contra la Asociación, sus instalaciones físicas o equipo, sus Fideicomisarios, miembros facilitadores u otro personal o consultores asociados.



I agree and understand that donations are for exchange of labor purposes, required to cover expenses and administration fees for the members and are non-refundable. Acepto y entiendo que las donaciones son para fines de intercambio laboral, necesarias para cubrir gastos y tarifas administrativas de los miembros y no son reembolsables.



I agree and accept that all items offered within the PMA are hand-made and created with the purest intentions. I agree that it being hand-made, foreign substances may be found from time to time, which is highly unlikely, but I still accept this uncertainty if it were ever to occur. I also agree that these hand-made items are not to be construed as medical treatments, medicines, or illness/disease healing items. Furthermore, I agree that I shall not share these items labeled, but not limited to, “for members only”, “member only”, “Private item”, with other non-members of the PMA,

Acepto y entiendo que todos los artículos ofrecidos por PMA son hechos a mano y creados con las más puras intenciones. Entiendo que ellos al ser hechos a manos podrían contener alguna sustancia extraña en algún momento, lo cual no es probable, pero, aun así, acepto y entiendo que podría ocurrir. También entiendo que estos artículos hechos a mano no deberían de ser tomados como tratamientos médicos, medicina, o tratamientos para algún tipo de condición o enfermedad. Además, me comprometo a no compartir los artículos que estén marcados como, pero no limitado a, “solo para miembros”, “para miembros”, “artículo privado”, con personas que no sean miembros de la PMA.

Educational Content

Contenido Educativo

I understand and agree that all information shared within the platforms of the PMA, or of its members, are not to be taken as legal, financial, medical, or of any type of profession, as advice. All information found within the PMA’s platforms are educational material with opinions and that I should always seek professional advice if any doubts arise. Entiendo y acepto que toda información compartida en los predios de PMA, o de sus miembros, no deberían de ser tomados como consejo legal, financiero, médico, o cualquier otra manera. Toda información compartida en el PMA son material educativo con opiniones y siempre debería de buscar asesoramiento profesional
si tuviera cualquier duda.

Guest In Services

Servicios de Acomodación

I accept the Guest in Gaia Home House Rules and code of conduct. As an exchange of labor all contributions and fees that may arise from extra services are non refundable. I agree that the donations are not to be construed as commerce, and there is no promise to receive an exact return, whether an item or service, nor are they subject to commercial laws. I agree to the firm cancellation policy and the non refundable deposit for property damage and extra services due. Acepto las reglas y el código de conducta de la casa Guest in Gaia Home. Como intercambio de mano de obra todas las aportaciones y honorarios que puedan surgir por servicios extras no son reembolsables. Acepto que las donaciones no deben interpretarse como comercio y no hay ninguna promesa de recibir una devolución exacta, ya sea un artículo o servicio, ni están sujetas a las leyes comerciales. Acepto la política de cancelación en firme y el depósito no reembolsable por daños a la propiedad y servicios adicionales adeudados. 


Contenido protegido por Derechos de Autor

I agree not to use the name or logos of the PMA, or of any member, without written consent. Me comprometo a no usar el nombre ni los logos de la PMA o de cualquiera de los miembros sin autorización previa.

Membership Cancelation

Cancelación de Membresía

Indefinite Term. This Agreement shall become effective on the Effective Date and shall, unless otherwise terminated in accordance with the provisions hereof, continue in effect for an indefinite term of years.In order to end your membership, you must send a color scanned wet inked signed document, stating your intentions of leaving the membership via email to, the trustee of the PMA will accept your document, and inform you that your membership has been
ended. Término indefinido. Este acuerdo será efectivo en la Fecha de Comienzo y continuará indefinidamente, a menos que por lo contrario se termine.Para cancelar tu membresía, debes de enviar un documento firmado y escaneado a color con las razones de porque quiere cancelar su membresía al correo electronico, el administrador de PMA aceptara el documento, luego le informará que su membresía ha sido cancelada.


What is a Private Membership Association?

Designed For Thriving is a legal entity called a Private Membership Association (PMA) for the purposes of protecting its members' 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment rights to privacy, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, and freedom of speech as it relates to their healthcare choices, natural products, and services. We are a local chapter of a large Private Membership Association. 

We established this PMA out of reverence for your innate intelligence and design for thriving, recognizing there is a time and a place for ALL methods of medicine and operating exclusively within our scope of practice. As a PMA, we will continue to serve you in all the same capacities we always have, yet in a radically fresh way: providing a safe space to receive effective care and evaluate personal healthcare choices without fear of unreasonable consequence.

Why do I need to become a member?

As a private association, we no longer function in the public domain (as an LLC), which means we work only with private members. In so doing, we continue to operate in good legal standing as a private entity with the benefit of fewer restrictions. 

Why do I need to pay a Membership Fee?

In joining this PMA you are signing a contractual agreement. To remain in good legal standing, the validity of this contractual agreement is assessed by two factors of exchange: signature and monetary. We must have record of both to complete your membership process, but the fee is a Lifetime Membership. 

Can I cancel my Membership?

Once you become a Member, you can be a member for life for no additional charge. You can cancel your Membership at any time with a signed written statement. 

Why is the Membership Agreement so wordy and full of "legal jargon"?

The legal team that drafted the Membership Agreement, used the language required to establish our Private Membership Association's (and all other PMAs associated with this group) legal basis, as it is protected by the U.S. Constitution and has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court over 40 times. So, because we have adopted this legal structure, we are contractually required to provide this legal paperwork for the benefit of our members and our governing organization, and the language of the agreement is not something that we can change. 

What is a Private Membership Association?

Designed For Thriving is a legal entity called a Private Membership Association (PMA) for the purposes of protecting its members' 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment rights to privacy, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, and freedom of speech as it relates to their healthcare choices, natural products, and services. We are a local chapter of a large Private Membership Association. 

We established this PMA out of reverence for your innate intelligence and design for thriving, recognizing there is a time and a place for ALL methods of medicine and operating exclusively within our scope of practice. As a PMA, we will continue to serve you in all the same capacities we always have, yet in a radically fresh way: providing a safe space to receive effective care and evaluate personal healthcare choices without fear of unreasonable consequence.

Why do I need to become a member? 

As a private association, we no longer function in the public domain (as an LLC), which means we work only with private members. In so doing, we continue to operate in good legal standing as a private entity with the benefit of fewer restrictions. 

Why do I need to pay a Membership Fee? 

In joining this PMA you are signing a contractual agreement. To remain in good legal standing, the validity of this contractual agreement is assessed by two factors of exchange: signature and monetary. We must have record of both to complete your membership process, but the fee is a Lifetime Membership. 

Can I cancel my Membership?

Once you become a Member, you can be a member for life for no additional charge. You can cancel your Membership at any time with a signed written statement. 

Why is the Membership Agreement so wordy and full of "legal jargon"?

The legal team that drafted the Membership Agreement, used the language required to establish our Private Membership Association's (and all other PMAs associated with this group) legal basis, as it is protected by the U.S. Constitution and has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court over 40 times. So, because we have adopted this legal structure, we are contractually required to provide this legal paperwork for the benefit of our members and our governing organization, and the language of the agreement is not something that we can change. 


What is a Private Membership Association?

Designed For Thriving is a legal entity called a Private Membership Association (PMA) for the purposes of protecting its members' 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment rights to privacy, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, and freedom of speech as it relates to their healthcare choices, natural products, and services. We are a local chapter of a large Private Membership Association. 

We established this PMA out of reverence for your innate intelligence and design for thriving, recognizing there is a time and a place for ALL methods of medicine and operating exclusively within our scope of practice. As a PMA, we will continue to serve you in all the same capacities we always have, yet in a radically fresh way: providing a safe space to receive effective care and evaluate personal healthcare choices without fear of unreasonable consequence.

Why do I need to become a member?

As a private association, we no longer function in the public domain (as an LLC), which means we work only with private members. In so doing, we continue to operate in good legal standing as a private entity with the benefit of fewer restrictions. 

Why do I need to pay a Membership Fee?

In joining this PMA you are signing a contractual agreement. To remain in good legal standing, the validity of this contractual agreement is assessed by two factors of exchange: signature and monetary. We must have record of both to complete your membership process, but the fee is a Lifetime Membership. 

Can I cancel my Membership?

Once you become a Member, you can be a member for life for no additional charge. You can cancel your Membership at any time with a signed written statement. 

Why is the Membership Agreement so wordy and full of "legal jargon"?

The legal team that drafted the Membership Agreement, used the language required to establish our Private Membership Association's (and all other PMAs associated with this group) legal basis, as it is protected by the U.S. Constitution and has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court over 40 times. So, because we have adopted this legal structure, we are contractually required to provide this legal paperwork for the benefit of our members and our governing organization, and the language of the agreement is not something that we can change. 

What is a Private Membership Association?

Designed For Thriving is a legal entity called a Private Membership Association (PMA) for the purposes of protecting its members' 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment rights to privacy, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, and freedom of speech as it relates to their healthcare choices, natural products, and services. We are a local chapter of a large Private Membership Association. 

We established this PMA out of reverence for your innate intelligence and design for thriving, recognizing there is a time and a place for ALL methods of medicine and operating exclusively within our scope of practice. As a PMA, we will continue to serve you in all the same capacities we always have, yet in a radically fresh way: providing a safe space to receive effective care and evaluate personal healthcare choices without fear of unreasonable consequence.

Why do I need to become a member? 

As a private association, we no longer function in the public domain (as an LLC), which means we work only with private members. In so doing, we continue to operate in good legal standing as a private entity with the benefit of fewer restrictions. 

Why do I need to pay a Membership Fee? 

In joining this PMA you are signing a contractual agreement. To remain in good legal standing, the validity of this contractual agreement is assessed by two factors of exchange: signature and monetary. We must have record of both to complete your membership process, but the fee is a Lifetime Membership. 

Can I cancel my Membership?

Once you become a Member, you can be a member for life for no additional charge. You can cancel your Membership at any time with a signed written statement. 

Why is the Membership Agreement so wordy and full of "legal jargon"?

The legal team that drafted the Membership Agreement, used the language required to establish our Private Membership Association's (and all other PMAs associated with this group) legal basis, as it is protected by the U.S. Constitution and has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court over 40 times. So, because we have adopted this legal structure, we are contractually required to provide this legal paperwork for the benefit of our members and our governing organization, and the language of the agreement is not something that we can change. 

Basic Plan

Members intro to online service
access at a monthly contribution
$ 10 Monthly
  • Private Membership Association
  • Online Store Cruelty Free
  • 24/7 Accommodation Booking
  • Members Library Access

Premium Plan

Members advance online access
at a monthly contribution
$ 20 Monthly
  • Private Membership Association
  • Online Store Cruelty Free
  • 24/7 Accommodation Booking
  • Assembly and Workshop Calendar
  • Members Library with PDF Downloads
  • Gaia Art Gallery Shop

Elite Plan

Members unlimited online
access at a monthly contribution
$ 30 Monthly
  • Private Membership Association
  • Online Store Cruelty Free
  • 24/7 Accommodation Booking
  • Assembly Calendar
  • Herbal Workshop
  • Members Library with PDF Downloads
  • Gaia Art Gallery Shop
  • Private Wellness Consultation
  • Nationality and Asset Protection
  • Study Room